Good riddance to 2022

There were so many hopes for 2022, considering it was coming after two years of Covid, with a possibility of Covid having been defeated. Alas, it has been a wretched year for most, and especially for me. Though there have indeed been a lot of things to be thankful for at the personal level overall it has been a testing year both personal and professional.

My state of mind can be gauged by the fact that I have recorded having read less than 10 books this year, and my podcast listening has been minimal too. Hence good riddance to 2022, thanks for the little good done, but happy to see it go.

I have promised myself that I will write a post a day, get back into some routines, and try and take control if that is ever possible. And to shake it all up starting it on New Year’s Eve rather than on the 1st 🙂

Here’s wishing everyone a Very Happy New Year. May your year be successful, peaceful, healthy, and possibly wealthy too 🙂

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